Ross Lake Wildlife Area is just east of Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio. The fen is small, a little known slope-fen* formed along the northeast flank of a ravine cut into a sandy glacial terrace left by Illinoisan glaciation (the glaciation prior to the most recent Wisconsin). It's easy to find, but walking through it will be a challenge--you'll need rubber boots!
I call the place, "Ross Lake Fen" because I'm not aware of any other name used for this obscure group of seeps. This fen is located seven miles south, as crows fly, of Kinnikinnick Prairie, the more recognized but degraded fen frequently identified as the furthest south fen in central Ohio.
Wetland botanists might classify this area as a series of forest seeps, more particularly, skunk cabbage seeps**. A close look, and we find the hydrological and chemical characteristics of a fen, but few calciphiles--plants that love alkaline conditions.
I'd classify this series of seeps, a fen, by functional definition. They result from geological influence driving groundwater flow. Here, groundwater seeps out of a ravine slope cut into a sandy glacial terrace. The unconsolidated terrace sand rests on a layer of clay, a hardpan. The hardpan prevents downward flow, pooling groundwater. Where the hardpan intersects the flank of the ravine, groundwater seeps out. A "perched" water table, atop the clay, drives the seeps. Organic muck is accumulating wherever seep water trickles out along the slope.
*Amon JP, Thompson, CA, Carpenter QJ, Minor J. 2002. Temperate zone fens of the glaciated midwestern USA. Wetlands 22: 301-317.
**Mack, John J. 2004. Integrated Wetland Assessment Program. Part 2: an ordination and classification of wetlands in the Till and Lake Plains and Allegheny Plateau regions. Ohio EPA Technical Report WET/2004-2. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Wetland Ecology Group, Division of Surface Water, Columbus, Ohio.
*** See here for discussion of exothermic plant physiology
Hi Tom.
Thanks for the link to my blog. Interesting stuff you have presented. Rick G. and I have often talked about the need for a woodland seep plant community to be described for Ohio. It certainly is a real community. Chrysosplenium americanum might be another indicator plant.
Take a look at this description from NatureServe. This "alliance" may fit with these types of habitats.
Symplocarpus foetidus - Caltha palustris Saturated Herbaceous Alliance
Ohio is listed as question mark. But surely, this would fit here in Ohio.
Hi Tom,
I see my link on your blog as well, thanks. The Saturated Herbaceous Alliance looks like a good description for the "fen" we call "Gateway Fen" which occurs very near where Paint Creek enters the shale gorge of Paint Creek just a few miles west of Chillicothe near Buzzard's Roost. The skunk cabbage and march marigold are dominates with lesser amounts of marsh fern-I don't recall noting Angelica, but I'll bet it's there. This fen gets continuous moisture from a Wisconsin age terrace and is more typically on a flat between the hill and a stream draining it.
The Ross Lake "fen" has no marsh marigold that I've noticed but I think there is golden saxifrage--I think it can be seen now as tiny green leaves but I could be mistaken.
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